This one will be slightly meta because connecting mechanisms of human psyche to daily systems we inhabit on international level is not a straighforward explanation. If you are not interested then you might as well wonder further. For those who want to know what have I been cooking, proceed with caution. This is an acultural phenomenon which will be expaliend through lens of indo-european symbolism. Symbolism being the visual manifestation of pscyhological processes within an interhuman system. Thus…
Logos and mithras, the engine of civilization, work well together when mithras is not decoupled from logos and as Modern Slavery article explains, in the West and to lesser degree in the rest of the World, mithras was decoupled from logos. This means 26 richest humans on Earth possess as much wealth as bottom 50% of humanity or 4 billion people. Perhaps if we took richest 500, that would be bottom 80% of humanity or 6.4 billion humans. This is possible only under decoupling. However this article is about the mechanism itself.
The creation or productive economy has been decoupled from mithras, the financial economy; the social contract. On top of that, the medium of exchange, the money, has been hijacked by fractional reserving by banks, monetary expansion by governments and financial derivatives markets.
The founding fathers did their homework and thus Statue of Liberty was to symbolize the agreement between the american people and it was upheld so for thirty-seven years. It is in shape of Mithras with sunrays of Halo adorning the crown.
For those who are puzzled. Mithras is ancient understanding of cooperation, of agreement, of binding resolution; with yourself by being true with yourself, with others by shaking hands and holding up your side of the deal and being trustworthy. Relationships are encoutners upon the bridge of trust. Otherwise how would you sell anything? Financial bubbles means social contract has been abused. The invisible hand of economics stretched to everyone willing to engage into economic social contract, repetitevily, was that of a financies and not a producer of goods or services.
Miithras is a shning light of Halo in the game, of halo of saints and crown of kings. The crowns are seals of annointment of kings as upholders of the logos agreement, verbal agreement, between supreme being and the people.
Mithras is a crown of saints showcasing the dedication of the saints to an agreement with the supreme being. It is that of Christ in Christian view, albeit with thorns, which generaly indicates the harsh reality of being a king of new type of social contract and why Christian crowns used to have spikes on top.
The halo or its functional alternatives exist in all mythologies on the planet. From hindu and buddhist to proto-japanese and meso-american. Pick one and it will be there indicating a social contract, a seal of obligation and a responsibility, presented in visual form as a reminder. All of these depictions are Mithraic in context of abrahamic mythology and mysticism, for many things deemed mystic are purely poorly understood, providing it with numinosity. Be it proto-Iranian, Roman, Hindu or European, the binder is ever present, just as the humans.
In alchemical traditions, which inherited pan-European mythos of various cults and religions, Aion is generally represented as a young male within a circle, representing the cyclicality of time. Slightly different from a more symbolically charged animal beast in the image above. We will not discuss difference here and what role ourobors plays in all of this. It is beside the point.
Aion was a creative agent in perpetuity, as per Roman worldview, displaying eternal presence of Roman rule, of social contract of Rome with rest of the empire. However, a secondary missing piece is of Logos and for Christian dominated system of economics and politics Logos is vital to understand.
Logos is considered the God, now what it means is the word, logos in Greek, is the creation itself, an eternal ouroboros process of time circling infinitely. And for all purposes creation is eternal. All we do is create and it starts with thoughts. Clearly, delivering complex concepts to malnourished, chaotic, uneducated psyche of an earth dweller is complicated, so things like “the word of God is within each one of you” emerged. It is a better sales pitch than: “You can do it on your own.”
As thought emerges within your mind by means of observations, alterations and memory recall with a divine drop of creativity or imagination, you articulate the thought into words which you utter. Billions of humans uttering all the time, quite the chatter. Billions of living organisms do just same. Groups of individuals begin using same words to maximize survival — a language emerges. The next step? Agree on the words you utter as a group. Small group, big group, genetically same group — a family, genetically different group; it doesn’t matter. Agreement, survival as a gregarious specie is that of cooperation. Physcial cooperation, mentally you can have different thoughts, be in conflict mentally, but physically being in conflict leads to the end of mental thoughts and of you and of the Word and of God or Gods within you. So physical cooperation is primary necessity without which maximizing survival is impossible.
And what is to maximize survival? All living organisms move, adapt or die. So to maximize survival is to do together what allows for all of the participants, in agreement, to survive. Ultimate moving unnecessary when you are everywhere — omnipresence, ultimate adaptation unnecessary when you know everything — omniscient, ultimately dying is avoided if you are immortal — omnipotency. I seldom use immortality or omniimmortality and use omnipotency instead because it is a cumulative result of dominating movement and adaptation, becasue if you are dead you cannot do those. But if I would use discrete nomenclature, it would be: to be omnipotent is to be omnipresent, omniscient and omnilive. I use omnipotency cumulatively to denote relation between the three stages. Once you are immortal/omnilive you become omnipotent.
And thus all gods both old and new regardless the culture have these three main characteristics. Humanity, as a whole, mostly independently attempted to find best way to become closer to God/Gods/Supreme Beings. The bodies of work, the logos, has been produced to deliver best discoveries to the newcomers. The best explorers are called prophets, saints and visionaries.
The goal stays the same — survive the best way you can imagine with the logos capabilities. Atheists use science, theists use religion. Regardless the system you adopt, the goal is the same. At the margins of human understanding both of these meet and this is where gnostics and agnostics have a field day. I claim that the natural outcome of a reasonable individual is agnostic spiritualism. For the things you rationally cannot grasp, you define methods and for the things you cannot grasp emotionally you choose the mysterious ways. Hence, agnostic spiritualism. The only such system to drive directly from the basics all the way to the current state is Zen Buddhism. I have not discovered a better system to date.
So if you are at the very bottom, try Zen Buddhism but if you are closer to the top you do not have to be one and everyone at the top is Zen Buddhist whether they know it or not. It is just a label to the process of being. I mention it for people to relate in what I say to thing they understand or already know. Now, aside from that detour, billions of creative agents in perpetuity develop agreements upon agreements. Trillions of agreements of EXCHANGE. Contracts, contracts everywhere… financial ones — mostly a lie that turns bubbles into crashes.
You exchange thoughts — intangible asset, like providing a service or having a discussion; or you exchange a good — tangible asset, the result of your labour (time x energy x environment[resources]) or a baby, also requires an agreement, and baby making in physical disagreement is universally reprimanded. Almost all humans are born under physical cooperation. Mentally you can compete, but physical competition in procreation rarely brings stable survival for the species.
Exchange o services and goods, with condition of environment, requires a MEDIUM of EXCHANGE, a coin, a circle, generally made out of gold, not a sqaure paper, eh?. Barter was a bad technology for survival optimisation so money was made to be the primary. So how do you EXCHANGE TRUTHFULLY with other creative agents with a borken MEDIUM of EXCHANGE?
That is why currencies worldwide are called FIAT currencies from Latin word — TRUST. Trust that currency that you use in order to exchange goods and services is 1:1 representation for every individual. Then prices is how we decide how VALUABLE my creative process compared to yours given time, energy, resources and other people who can have same/similar creative process; sadly socialists did not grasp the role of prices and thus they have controlled them, which accelerated the end.
Gold standard is vital to ensure the 1:1 otherwise prices mean nothing as they would change without me using more or less time or energy or resources or have people doing same as me. So decoupling the gold standard, the mithraic core, destroyed the 1:1 ratio and allowed those who discovered new techniques survive best by not doing anything. A godhood was almost unlocked and many of the ultra wealthy do feel like gods, even if they deny it. But money is information and information is time, while creation is mental conflict, violence in space, abstract or present as you build your idea, others might not have space to build theirs. A physical cooperation becomes a physical competition.
So how do you solve this? A universal state emerges as an idea. If we all abide by physcial cooperation rules, then we have no wars. In latest planetary history, this was original NATO, Warsaw bloc and UN idea but people in neither of them understood the mechanisms at play and thus none of them address the issue which is why we observe them in conflict or as in case of UN utterly neutral in managing conflict, save for the UN Security Council.
Hence, why NATO Shelf Life article covers it. It is mostly due to lack of understandign and own conflict within first principles. Professor Mearsheimer explains it well for those curious to see NATO’s mechanism. Its mithraic structure of the universal state is oxymoronic in nature. So was for Warsaw bloc and hence they perished. The economic system of social contracts was not good either, which accelerated the process. UN’s 2 dollars a day poverty line? Adjusted for inflation that is 5 dollars a day today and how much of humanity lives under 5 USD/day? 60% and growing. The UN did nothing to reduce poverty because the issue is not lack of food or jobs; its the breakage of creative exchange. So UN didnt reduce poverty, it is losing and it is losing big time.
So next, NATO most likely will die and be absorbed by BRICS as an economic leg of multipolar world and UN will retain political leg. Perhaps one day the two will merge, but not today. As you see while jumping topics, your boxed worldview of unrelated things is having an exposure to fluid understanding. It is all indeed interconnected so do not think that actions have no ripples of consequences.
Thus, humans create and exchange to survive better by cooperating physically while exploring, adapting and doing everything to die less, to become closer to supreme being or universe and it might be the same. However, for this process to work, we cannot divorce creation from exchange. Those who deal only in exchange hijacked the social contract of creation exchange and thus undermine survival for everyone else.
Main issues? Sky high rate of violence and more people living below the poverty line than ever before. Low birthrates, high cost of living, low quality of life, low progress, apathy and stress. There is always a promise for you. Might be a lie, an illusion, but it’s there, just around the corner… and it keeps you going.
We look back at the good times, the eighties, when the effects havent beeing obvious yet and the momentum was present; when the future of flying cars and floating skateboards was graspable. Little did people know then and even less so they know today.
As I said: fractional reserving, derivatives markets and cash printing and perhaps eight billion people can make the future as it should be.
It is raining blame! Make sure to bring your umbrella for a swift internet stroll.