NATO Shelf Life

17 min readMar 27, 2024

You will most likely disagree but NATO IS DEAD and we buried it with thunderous applause…

And I know what you are thinking. You are judging me. I can feel it. I get it. “He has no brains.” “This makes no sense.” “Why am I still reading this trash?”

For all those who are mildly curious I would suggest to read and readjust certain conclusions. What you need to understand is that NATO today is a business engine to make loooooads of moneh! Shake your money maker! And here is how.

We will not cover NATO’s history. Only thing you need to extract from this is that NATO was to ensure no more wars, just like UN, and promotion of freedom among nations. Its primary ideological nemesis was the Warsaw bloc headed by USSR, while NATO was headed by USA. And while UN’s security council is still holding true to the planetary tier organization, NATO has long abandoned its mission just as Warsaw bloc did. BRICS is entering the planetary trio. For reference: EU, NAFTA, ASEAN, MERCOSUR, AFRICAN UNION are continental tier organizations. National ones are well known societies of your geography class.

Anyhow, the USSR was dissolved when three USSR republic leaders gathered in secret to undermine Gorbachev which they did well. Resulting in dissolution of the USSR, the newfound political grasslands had no master. Nukes were the bottomline for independence. Think nukes cases of Ukraine and North Korea and what happened to them. At that point, USSR as an ideological vehicle of the universal state of Public Persons was no more. To understand what this whole paragraph meant please read the Eschatologically Sane.

The sad part is that the Private Persons tribe organized as NATO, still was alive and well thanks to the very nature of economic reality they generated which you can understand by reading Modern Slavery article. However, the psychological necessity for natural enemy of the western universal state was not satisfied. In absence of the universal enemy of the universal state, the necessity for the unity dissolves. NATO becomes obsolete. So NATO’s role has to transition from war preventon to? You guessed it — expanding on the new international business nature of the global economy discussed in Modern Slavery. Meanwhile employing old enemies as portals to future gains. LOOK AT DEEEZZ GAINZ!!!

NATO today is an economic alliance primarily and as such, a universal state of politico-economic nature has emerged where war and business are an inseparable couple. Headed by the crippling US productive economy and unsustainable financial one, NATO generates access to vital new markets. For people in those markets to buy from you, they have to use your currency, think like you and thus like what your customers at home like. Somewhere, a bored sociologist, remembers of a concept called “Americanization”. Somewhere, a Rammstein fan remembers a song called “We are all living in America”.

These are the fruits of universal state spreading within its domain such as NATO members and abroad. Now, once these nations are NATO members, the process is simpler to bring them into fold. Think of Ukraine Russia war. This started long before the massacre on the battlefield between the boys who don’t know each other because old men who know each other don’t know how to cooperate in comfortable 5-star venues paid by the taxes of the very boys who are now killing each other on the battlefield. “My yacht is bigger than yours. NO! Mine is bigger. Well I have bigger economy! No, I do. Look at the GDP!!! Screw you, I’m not playing! No, you will!!!” And here we are observing the consequences of this behaviour.

We will not be focusing on who is right or wrong, it is beside the point. The point is that war was allowed to happen and the reason for that is because it is very profitable, just as its absence. If Ukrainian economy just entered EU and NATO, Ukrainian products would be negligeble by volume compared to the flooding of market by US or EU products. The tv screens would fill the minds of the Ukrainians with words like: “stimulate economy”, “print currency”, “facilitate credit”, “prmote healthy consumer attitudes”. Even now during conflict, EU countries like Poland protect their farmers against Ukrainian goods. Pure protectionism in an open market? Right.

So NATO adhesion is about marginal rate of substitution of products to be imported into the newcomer nations. Good for the existing businesses, terrible for the local businesses. In war, the green collars make the buck, in peace time the white collar corporations do, and sometimes they are the same people. The blue collars end up being excel spreadsheet and power bi dashboard intigers, disposable economic cannon fodder.

Marginal Rate of Substitution

As time progressed the eternal struggle to fix the perceived dilemma between down up and up down view of the world seeks a new outlet for the psychological force. The resolution, the synthesis is still not reached. And despite my best efforts to show that there is a solution, one parameter remains too attractive — convenience in maximizing survival through conflict rather than mutual cohabitation through cooperation. Religions have been yelling about it at the top of their lungs since times immemorial and yet, the monkeh has difficulty grasping a better way to get the banana. This is where my space ideology comes in.

Not only as ideology, also as set of systems, frameworks, methods and everything in between. It has to be a complete all encompassing megastructure. Needless to say it is year eight of me working on it. One single bloody book. And it will take longer. Anyway, a set of sets of solutions to the problems arising from the universal states manifesting the inability to reconcile the dilemma without a trade-off in survival success.

Now, BRICS is the new Warsaw pact, G7 is useless as BRICS is catching up with shrinking G7 as economic efforts of G7 shifted towards NATO’s responsibilities list. If before NATO was politics and G7 was economics, now NATO is politics AND economics. Role of G7 fades. Role of G20 fades. This should not scare you. Environment always shifts and so should we.

NATO now will stand against BRICS. The only thing is, BRICS has to embody politics as well to match NATO’s structure. And they did, this time however, BRICS has an ideological shift as a result of a push back from universal state perspective of Warsaw bloc, nukes and NATO — multipolarity. This is also possible due to global financial decoupling from productive economy which weakened US as a global force. You do not simply mess with order of logos and mithras for you will pay the price and american society does exactly that now.

This much NATO representing universal state has an opponent that is a pluralist state organization — BRICS. This is a segway into reconciling the latest state of civilizational development — individualist vs pluralist perspective. BRICS with multipolar approach is a step closer and as such has to make sure no single perspective prevails. Each and every one of you needs to understand that you are capable of both perspectives, your preference is dictated by culture in which you grew but as you travel and live abroad it shifts to realization that you are capable of both. As a friend of mine observes: “Those stuck in own culture, unwilling to expand their worldview, will eventually become its victims.”

There was no dilemma to begin with, we thought there is one which was an obstacle due to lack of age of information. Thankfully, now, this is being rectified. This much planetary multipolar society is the goal where physical cooperation and mental competition are the dominant form of moving, adapting or dying. This is also known as meritocracy for those who haven’t heard this word in a while.

The other concern is in destruction of relation between logos and mithras. This is important because breaking this process leads to physical cooperation within hierarchy turning to physical competition, regardless the state of mental relation be it competitive or cooperative. Now mental cooperation or competition does not worry us, what worries is physical competition as it leads to death. All organisms move, adapt or die. By ensuring physical cooperation there wont be death due to conflict for survival maximization purposes. For this reason, mithras and logos have to be intact. What does it mean in practical terms you ask? Very esoteric you might think, extremely poignant really.

Logos and mithras, the engine of civilization, work well together when mithras is not decoupled from logos and as Modern Slavery article explains, in the West and to lesser degree in the rest of the World, mithras was decoupled from logos. The creation or productive economy has been decoupled from mithras, the financial economy; the social contract, the medium of exchange, the money has been hijacked by fractional reserving by banks, monetary expansion by governments and financial derivatives markets.

Alchemical Aion

This much there is an issue, because the nature of currency they were ought to substitute was that of gold standard and while it is a good method, it has its limitations and for that reason not an adequate medium of exchange. It is the best there is but the human psychology, the environment, the resources and the people can be united by a better form of a medium of exchange. In case of failure, return to gold standard, an insurance. This iis ought to be a proper approach, but monkeys never dream of thinking well.

Now, if we are to abandon fractional banking, monetary expansion and derivatives markets, the nature of wealth does not change, the names of the wealthy on the list does. But it always did so there is nothing new here, and by the time this takes hold, the people rich today will not care, and the rich then will not mind. This is where this change will take place. Fancy crypto, compute and other data point currencies will be just tokens for the mechanism to emerge. Perhaps it will redo what we have in terms of mechanism composition.

This mechanism ensures mithras and logos are stable. Thus “physical cooperation” is better survival planetary strategy for the human civilization than the physical competition; regardless the mental type of relationship. The only reason that decoupling logos from mithras didn’t throw us into the WW3 is the presence of mutually assured destruction by nukes after WW2, otherwise it would be WW3 by now for when logos and mithras are not together — war would be a balancing act. Yes, I have considered mutual assured destruction and it is the reason why nukes allowed us to not enter another planetary warfare. It is why what I am suggesting can be. Standing on the shoulders of giants here, everyone! Article on Nuclear Security covers it briefly.

So, here is what a proposed alternative to gold standard is. Sadly for you, first, you need to understand benefits and drawbacks of gold standard. I am sorry but there is no easy way for complex reality, which is why few people works with this.

This is the mechanism first: you, the human, in productive economy, creating a.k.a. logos, something, by transforming environment. For this you need time and energy. Hours and calories. This product of creation/transformation is then exchanged with another person through medium of exchange — the money aka the gold backed currency. The banknotes were the receipt for gold in a fixed ratio. In various societies since technology of money emerged in Lydia, Anatolia; in recent history that is. Planet is four billion years old, after all…

So, in the world until 1971, the latest gold standard was 50 USD banknote = 1 ounce or 31 grams of gold. It was a claim check for gold that you would use to trade and banks would store that gold for safety and get a fee for that. For the intelligentsia, the value of gold beyond many industrial uses, is that it is limited so that future generations do not live in state we are today.

A worker needs time and energy to transform environment to receive gold ownership rights in form of banknotes. Why is this important? Gold is created when a star explodes and with asteroid mining the whole gold standard mechanism will be as useless as fiat currency-infinite-out-of-thin-air printing because there is plenty of gold in the solar system.

Dont laugh, every nation on the planet does exactly the same, the first amendment allows us to see the biggest boldest leading example of this madness.

We need something way long-term, but I remind, in case of fire, break glass and return to gold standard until a better method emerges. Preserve the logos and the mithras relation at all cost and nukes is the final safeguard, as of current lack of alternative safeguards.

Now, up until 1971, relatively fixed gold supply and mined gold would not have even a tiny effect compared to infinite cash printing and financial operations of today. Even if we returned to it it would be a good answer up until Space Mining article drama kicks in. So, what you earned is what you keep because you cant print gold so there was no inflation. It happens when governments print and financiers invest. All the time and energy you spent, to earn the banknotes, would not be diluted or as I call it — “stolen from you” by mere act of one-sided increase in banknote amount; but as the chart shows: it is what it is.

The economic growth was fixed to the total amount of environment that was transformed by all the workers in the economy. And thus, the only thing that would dictate how many banknotes you get for your specific profession was the balance between the amount of people who demand your professional products and the amount of professionals like you that could create that product out of the environment.

Now, services, are also products, of a secondary nature, as they are based on primary products from the transformation of the environement. This is why you need to have first agricultural sector, then industrial and then service sector. Each consequent economic sector requires the previous to exist.

If we ignore Graham Hancock and Younger Dryas period, research which indicates a global cataclysm making us restart and starting whole “more advanced than today’s civilization” vs “ancient aliens” debate; It took this iteration of civilization roughly 90 thousand years to shift from hunter-gatherers to farmers, 10 thousand to shift from farmers to industrialists, it took 200 to shift from industrialists to nuclear age and it took roughly 50 years for the information age to kick in. By this much, the next stage was in 2001 roughly speaking. I would wager that economic decoupling disrupted this arc. Nonetheless, AGI or interstellar/interdimensional travel would be the next candidates. As you see we moved from more robust but slow physical violence economy to more efficient but brittle persuasion economy.

Sometimes you are lucky with resources and demand for it and you can just buy all you need for your final sector without having the first ones. Think of oil nations with little arable land due to climate structure. They just pay for everything needed for say service sector with oil money, thus foregoing need for agricultural or industrial sector. They are however dependent on oil demaned by others and that dependency can be solved only by developing agri and industrial sectors themselves. Cloud seeding as a terraforming technology is just a start.

Now, once gold standard was ended in 1971, what you earn for your time and energy was less and less belonging to you. This is where we are now. The mechanism of gold standard had a different effect, if productivity of economy grew more than the gold supply, then you would have a deflation. Deflation would mean that by having money merely sitting in your bank account and not used, they would allow you to buy more and more because people work more relatively to gold being extracted and added to monetary supply. This is why savings made sense, as a form of investment.

Now, the issue of gold standard is that if you have a lot of gold you dont have to work because money could buy more if gold supply couldn’t catch up with productivity. And if a lot was found, you had to work more, but that was rare until asteroid mining and in long term it will be an issue. Also, by then we have to solve the lack of gold standard by either coming back to it or an alternative.

So here is an alternative mechanism of currency expansion that is not environment-dependent but user-dependent. It should be limited to alive humans in the economy. Those who cannot work like elderly and children are dependent on their relatives whose wage is adjusted to make sure currency quota for their dependents is directed towards them. Then we fix currency supply to time and calories of each individual. To find natural market price for each profession we will have to use Law of Large Numbers to find true mean of the time and caloric output of each individual in a particular occupation.

With better technologies it is easier to do so. Our goal is not to regulate how much people earn, but how much currency can exist in the economy. When a person dies their money doesnt get destroyed but passed on to whoever inherits the rights to it. When a person is born, until they are 18, their primary caregivers have an extra wage increase to get currency quota of their child before it matures.

This much lets consider a nation of 100 million inhabitants. For sake of analysis, we use Pareto principle. 80 million can work, 20 million are dependents. What would be the currency supply? During a transitory period to a new monetary system running LLN estimates on caloric and time requirements for particular profession of a mixed monetary economy between this one and that of gold standard as insurance is safest way to transit from current modern monetary theory (MMT).

I suggest standard unadjusted calorie and time for all professions. So 2000 kcal/8 hours of work as a baseline from which each profession will adjust and the wage must ensure that on top of other things the individual can guarantee 2000kcal per day minimum. Think of this as a benchmark for healthy well balanced diet on a minimum wage. Lets say 2000kcal/8h/day = 1 unit of new currency. Lets call it for now “credit” or “coin”. So 100 million individuals need to have at least 1 coin per day to eat well. A bit of monetary theory: coins have to change hands and the speed of that change is called velocity of money. You can only calculate it indirectly by dividing total GDP with total currency supply. The velocity will automatically harmonize itself through humans being humans in their day to day life. A great economy is where rate of Velocity growth outpaces rate of currency growth. In this scenario trade would be outpacing birthrate. This means existing humans transform environment in a way that makes population growth less of a concern, and a good rule of thumb. Growing velocity just for the sake of growing babies. I can see dystopian outcomes of this model you say? If some conditions of freedom are foregone then yes.

Thus, we should focus on monetary supply adjustment until we have fluctuating currency supply based on number of people born and hours under which environement was transformed. Birth rates and productive economy, which means jobs, will become the primary focus of new politicians, isn’t it? This is how you secularize politics and economics, just as politics and religion were separated in the past. In such environment NATO or BRICS will become either political or economic unions. With logos and mithras intact, the political will be deactivated.

Anyone who knows financial economics, knows the fun this will generate and yet totally capitalistic redistribution that it will cause. The perceived value of property that you won, the environment, will vanish, once you spend the cash. The moment a ten million dollar mansion is bought, when sold, it will be under new monetary rules. So there should be no exchange rate between old currencies and coin or coins, it doesnt have to be one global. People who have old currency should buy environement if anybody will be willing to buy from them, and then if they want new coins they have to sell that environment be it transformed or not. This avoids any redistriibution wealth “socialist” style, as free market supply and demand decide how much does the market value the fake currency you earned in financial economy that you offer for the environement you wish to own.

And now that many of you who have this level of grasp of what I am explaining already think of the potential issues with this, fear not for I wrote a white paper ungraspable for layman for such an occasion, with details besides the discourse. The gold standard is an insurance and many potential issues are yet to be explained as non issues by me. The main mechanim is there. To tie currency supply in a particular economy to a formula of time, calories and total number of humans. For reference, current formula is V x M = nominal GDP = P x Y, where V is velocity of money, M is cash supply, P is price level and Y is real GDP, the output of all transformation within the economy plus or minus all the funny stuff. The Velocity of gold standard in 1969 was 1.774, that is per year and not per day. Funny enough FED in USA and ECB in EU for example do not track M3 anymore, for the chart would look like the flight trajectory of Falcon Heavy rocket.

Thus, not knowing how much of a supply we need we can start at least with 100 million coins a day. Since coins change hands during trade, we need to figure out coin supply we might need during supply adjustment period for LLN precision. Now the transition from fiat fake money to coins requires an exchange rate. And ultra wealthy finance economy people will claim they have the rights to bigger chunk; 83% to be precise.

Sadly, since their gains are not in accordance with the process of creation and social contract was disturbed, they can only lay claim to the same amount an individual from productive economy can lay claim to. Which is why, owning land is better asset for this then owning papers, for example. Sadly land is limited and papers are not, so the financial economy people will have to buy anything they can and productive economy people should not want to accept outdated old currencies and let the free market decide the willingness to sell for old currencies.

Thus, to find the initial size of M until adjustments kick in, I would suggest basing on economic working capital. All capital that is currently employed in production and operation of the economy be it private or public sector per year can be a starting supply of coins in the economy. This is the least painful suggestion for starter supply I can currently suggest. Less painful alternatives are welcome.

As a consequence one improtant lesson to recall comes from the following. Say V is 1 and M is 10 = 10 units of GDP, say people dont trade, bad times, so V stays as 1, but this is where financial economy agents and governments increase M from 10 to 20: 1 x 20 = 20 GDP in the next year. 20 gdp/10 gdp = 2 or 200% GDP growth from previous year. That is how you can grow a bubble… I MEAN ECONOMY! Did anything get produced?

You want to limit “M” to what I described above and focus on the VELOCITY. The political campaigns will look so different… You can now have your Star Trek futuristic society. And no, star trek is not space communism, despite what they attempt at claiming. Communism is too abstract of a concept to be useful at current civilizational development and thus should be stored for safekeeping away from halfbaked halfwits of varied leadership caliber. Maybe in a thousand years and by then it will have nothing to do with communism people of today think about…

Drink fluids, take zinc and eat fiber. Thank you for trying to digest.




Written by Daniel

Prospecting life compass | Building space ideology | Negotiating the future | Socials @theartemisgland

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